
Thumbsplus 10 source file not found py.ico
Thumbsplus 10 source file not found py.ico

thumbsplus 10 source file not found py.ico

Below is a list of the ExcludeKey entries that failed to work after I removed the \. I had to go back and add the \ to make CCleaner honor the ExcludeKey. HOWEVER, on testing my edited custom.ini file, I found major problem where ExcludeKey entries would not be honored with just the | (single pipe). So I have a "Section=US English Language" that contains approximately 45 unique cleaning modules for non-US English file removals. A lot of my added cleaning modules center around removing language files that are non-English in a multitude of third-party programs.

thumbsplus 10 source file not found py.ico

In addition, I edited out a substantial number of \| to be just | (single pipe). My editing work has been to ensure that all cleaning modules are in alphabetical order and pass all the tests in WinappDebug. In recent days, I have been utilizing Winapp2.ini's revised WinappDebug utility to edit my custom.ini file that I have for all my special additions to Winapp2.ini for my systems.

Thumbsplus 10 source file not found py.ico